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Thriving Abacus Franchisees: Success Stories with Mastermind


In the competitive world of abacus education, franchisees need more than just a strong brand—they need a model that supports their financial and operational success. Mastermind Abacus’s royalty-free program, combined with our exceptional support, is driving the success of our franchisees across the globe.

1. Financial Freedom and Higher Profits

Without the burden of ongoing royalty fees, our franchisees keep more of their earnings. This financial freedom allows them to invest back into their businesses, enhancing their services and expanding their reach. Many of our franchisees have reported significant profit margins, attributing their financial success to the absence of royalty fees.

2. Enhanced Support and Training

At Mastermind Abacus, we believe that support shouldn’t come at a high cost. Our franchisees benefit from comprehensive training programs, continuous business development assistance, and access to cutting-edge technologies. This level of support ensures that they can deliver high-quality abacus education, attracting more students and maintaining a stellar reputation.

3. Real-Life Success Stories

Case Study: Rashmi's Mastermind abacus Casa Rio Palava

Rashmi, a franchisee in Mumbai, has seen her business flourish since joining Mastermind Abacus. With the savings from not paying royalty fees, she was able to invest in a larger facility and hire more qualified instructors. Our continuous support and training programs have equipped her with the tools to offer exceptional abacus education, resulting in a 50% increase in student enrollments within the first year.

Case Study: Meenakshi's Aryabhatt Mastermind Prodigy

Meenakshi, another successful franchisee, credits the royalty-free model for his center's rapid growth. Located in Delhi, Meenakshi's center has benefited from our robust marketing support and advanced teaching technologies. The additional funds, which would have otherwise gone towards royalty fees, have been used to create engaging learning environments and personalized student programs. His center is now one of the top-performing in the region.

4. Capturing the Market with Quality and Innovation

Our franchisees are not only thriving financially but also leading the market in terms of quality and innovation. The combination of financial freedom and superior support allows them to focus on delivering the best possible education to their students. This reputation for excellence is rapidly expanding our franchise network and capturing significant market share.


Mastermind Abacus's royalty-free franchise model is more than just a financial advantage; it's a comprehensive support system designed for success. Our franchisees are thriving, thanks to the freedom from royalty fees and the superior services we provide. As we continue to grow and innovate, we are proud to support our franchisees in achieving their business goals and delivering outstanding abacus education.
