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Searching For Abacus Classes Near Me

The acceptance of the Abacus as one of the most effective after school programs is evident from the fact that a huge number of parents type out the phrase 'Abacus classes near me' on the internet, almost every day. It is common, particularly in India and many of Asian countries. Off late, this phenomenon is also seen in many western countries like America, Britain, Canada, Mexico and many more. The African countries are also not behind.

The demand for Abacus Classes unlike a decade ago is now not limited to the Metros or the bigger cities only. There is almost equal demand for Abacus learning even from smaller towns.

Why do parents search 'Abacus Classes near me'?

There could be a few valid reasons,

- That they are aware of the benefits of Abacus training and also want their kids to be benefited.

- That, there are not many Abacus Center available.

- That Abacus being an after school learning program they do not want their child to spend a lot of time traveling to an Abacus class, hence they keep typing on the Google search bar ‘Abacus Classes near me’.

Problems in finding Abacus Classes near by

It is an undisputed fact that the Abacus Classes are majorly limited to the Metros, Capital Cities and the other comparatively larger towns.

The Corona pandemic lockdown further resulted in most of the Abacus centers being shut down.

What is the solution?


The only logical solution is to be able to make available the option for an Online Abacus class.

This sounds logical, but the million-dollar question is, do we really have an effective Online Abacus learning option?

The answer to this till the near past was a big 'NO' despite several concerned and enthusiastic Abacus trainers deciding to start Online Abacus Classes, particularly during the pandemic.

Why conducting Online Abacus Classes using Video conferencing Apps - results not satisfactory?

We must understand what the parents expect from Abacus training. They expect the child to

a) Perform Mental Math at high speed and accuracy.

b) They expect the child to show a better level of concentration.

c) With the progress of the training they expect the child's academic grades to improve.

So, what is the problem?

The teachers have been using the same method for training the kids in online Abacus Classes as they did in the in-person Abacus Classes. Why are the results not satisfactory then?

To get an answer to this, you have to understand how Abacus works and how Abacus trainees acquire these qualities.

a) The Abacus training is done on an Abacus tool. This has a frame with beads that represent different values depending on their position on the Abacus.

b) The students have to learn to move the beads using both their left and right hands. There is a prescribed method for doing so. This has to be learned with huge precision. The students are expected to follow exactly the way a teacher trains them to do. For this, they have to observe the teacher's finger movements and repeat when they solve the sums. When the kids use both their hands both the left and right hemisphere of the brain gets activated and this triggers whole-brain development.

c) With the progress of the training the students are made to learn to visualize the Abacus Tool and move the beads on the mentally visualized Abacus by correctly applying the correct Arithmetic operators as the sum may demand. This process of performing mental math also requires the child to listen to the sums called out. This developed an excellent listening ability in the students.

d) This ability to visualize requires a high level of concentration level. Since the Abacus training is for 2 to 2 and 1/2 years, this becomes a habit in the Abacus trainees.

e) So, to conclude Abacus training increases listening ability, visualization capacity, and concentration level, and promotes whole-brain development and confidence. All these qualities reflect in the improving grades of a child.


a) An inbuilt video conferencing window to show to and also monitor the students and ensure they follow the correct methods of finger movements when they are solving any question.

b) The system should allow the teacher to assign class work & homework, conduct exams, and be able to real-time checking of the answers, and issue certificates and mark sheets.

c) The Abacus course should be online friendly and easy to understand and learn.

d) Most importantly the whole online system should be user friendly both for the teacher & the student.

e) Availability of unlimited Abacus practice worksheets.

Achieving all these needs for an effective operation of an Online Abacus class is practically impossible.

Mastermind Abacus has created the world's first live online Abacus E-Learning portal. It has all the features to enable the most effective conduction of Online Abacus Classes by a trained teacher. This certainly ends your search for 'Abacus Classes near me. You have to just Book a free Demo to get the firsthand experience. Register your child after the Demo and your child can start learning Abacus online from the comfort of home.

But if you insist on in-person Abacus Classes you can visit click here and fill out the student inquiry form. We will contact you and guide you to our nearest Abacus Class.

Also Read: Why should you immediately search for an Abacus class near me?
