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Abacus Learning Leads To A Better Understanding of Math Calculation

It has been established that Abacus Learning leads to a better understanding of Math calculation. It has a positive effect on the mathematical abilities of the students. They obtain better grades, and exhibit much more confidence than their other non-Abacus learner classmates. With such many astonishing achievements and almost mind-blowing results, we must ponder: what are the scientific facts supporting this simple ancient calculating device, the Abacus?

We are at the end of 2021, and the academic world still acknowledges the advantages of Abacus to students undergoing Abacus training. Many individuals and guardians express their doubts and question the utility of Abacus learning in this hi-tech era when students can access the best technical support with just a click and improve their academic grades.

How Can Abacus Classes Enhance Academic Performance? 

The answer to these positive results of Abacus training can be attributed to the fact that every trainee, without any exception, learns the knack of doing Mental Math.

A) Abacus Enhances The Ability To Calculate In Mind - The Mental Math 

The kids undergoing Abacus Training online or offline learn to visualize and use the Abacus tool effectively as a physical Abacus. The ability to move the Abacus beads on the virtual Abacus for doing a calculation has significant advantages that go far beyond simple Math. This skill of doing Abacus Mental Math puts these students above their peers and greatly adds to their confidence. This confidence reflects in their improved grades. They are seen to perform better in all other subjects too. This has a positive effect on their self-esteem.

Several scholars have researched and studied the Abacus in the last 5 decades and its effect on cognitive development, Memory, recall, brain development and the social behavior of the Abacus trainees.

A research publication titled 'Abacus in the Brain' published online on the 28th of Aug. 2012 talked about the case of a mental abacus expert who suffered a stroke and had rebuilt her mental Abacus and advanced calculations over 2 years. The study commented on how "abacus users not only manipulate the tool skillfully in its physical form but also gain the ability to mentally calculate extraordinarily large numbers, often more than 10 digits at the expert level, with unusual speed and accuracy.

B) Abacus Training effects on Right & Left Hemispheres of the Brain

The human brain or the cerebrum comprises two hemispheres: the left and the right. When we talk about logic, numbers, linear processing etc., we are talking about the left brain's functions. When kids are introduced to math, the left half of the brain gets activated first.

The right brain is responsible for creativity, perception, visualization, instinct, music etc. When we train the kids with Abacus, we activate the right brain. Abacus uses the right brain's ability to visualize the Abacus Tool for performing Mental.

The conclusive statements in the research paper discussed in Abacus in Math say that expert Abacus users can perform large calculations on the imaginary Abacus instrument by moving the beads mentally at an extremely fast pace with absolute accuracy.
Numbers being abstract is difficult for the kids to comprehend, but with the Abacus tool, the numbers get a form, which the kids understand and can use to do the calculations.

C) The Outcome of Exposure To The Use of Abacus

The Right hemisphere of the brain needs to be activated when very young. The learning system, in general for the young one, involves more repetition, practice, exams etc. All the activities are left-brain dependent. The imbalance between the workload of the left and the right brain at a younger age interferes with the child's ability to become creative or intuitive. This delays the development of the child's brain, and they often find it difficult to understand several necessary concepts. They may need a lot of explaining, even to understand simple addition or subtraction. But, teaching them with the Abacus instrument makes it easy as they can visualize the numbers through the beads.

Learning Abacus Math has a great advantage as it allows the child to visualize a number and its value being identified  with its position on the Abacus Tool. Moving the beads to the correct position based on the arithmetic operator requires applying many formulas and logic. This is also the fundamentals of not only arithmetic but also science. It also allows the liberty to solve a problem in different ways. The students can use their creative thinking, understanding and convenience, of course, with a clear conviction of reaching the right solution.

Studies have proved that using the Abacus involves the Right-brain allowing the left brain to play its role in short-term Memory, imaginative with new ideas and also connect with the right brain to logical thinking for obtaining solutions both in the classroom and beyond.

Abacus Classes-  It Is Much More Than Just Learning Math

As discussed above, the science behind Abacus takes it far past only Arithmetic. Here are some significant advantages of the Abacus:

Augmented spatial ability: The basics of using an Abacus Tool involve the fingers of both hands, the auditory system to hear a question, the imaginative skills to visualize an Abacus instrument, and the unique ability to move the beads to the accurate position depending upon the arithmetic operator. Decode the position of the bead from objects to a numerical value. Recall the value and ultimately reach the final answer of the calculation. This all is done simultaneously and at a super speed. Invariably the Abacus trained students beat a calculator when it comes to calculations.

Well, this is just one part of the Abacus training. This is one of the best spatial abilities. This is also an indicator of a wholly developed brain with exceptional functional abilities.

A) Abacus - Enhances Memory

Youngsters proficient in using the Abacus figure out how to solve a problem by applying different formulas and logic. This method is not limited to only Arithmetic. They are seen to be proficient in other areas of mathematics like algebra, trigonometry, geometry etc. Their enhanced Memory and recall enable them to learn new words and, subsequently, a language.

Taking short-term Memory usually is occupied with the current requirement of solving a problem. Still, Abacus students do not need to remember numbers as they know it is there on the Abacus tool as the last bead position.

Better Grades: This enhanced Memory is of great help to students when it comes to other subjects. Abacus students have been shown to perform better in overall academics.

B) Training With Abacus Enhances Confidence

Abacus students do the calculation at a great speed and with absolute accuracy. This gives a sense of achievement, multiplying their level of confidence. It has a motivating effect on the students, increasing their eagerness to attempt the next question. They also carry this confidence in their academics and life as they grow up.

The Conclusion

There are enough scientific research papers to support Abacus teaching for improving Mathematical abilities, and visible changes are obvious. Abacus has proved to be one of the most accepted after-school programs worldwide.

Parents should decide in favor of Abacus education for their kids. Enroll your child, and it will be a great decision towards helping your child become a mastermind in Math.

Mastermind Abacus is a leading educator of Abacus. It has its presence in over 17 countries. We provide both Offline Abacus one-to-one classes and online Abacus Classes. Contact us or book a free demo for more information.

Read More: Abacus Class and Its Future Advantages For Kids
