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Abacus - A Program That Goes Beyond Math

Kids at an early age, between 5 to 14, have highly receptive brain functions. They are most likely to retain maximum information about things they come across. Hence, it is very important to introduce them to programs that can invigorate their developing brain to reasoning. It has been confirmed in various scientific studies that Abacus Learning is a program that goes beyond Math.

Training young minds in Abacus Classes has been the forte of Mastermind Abacus for the last 23 years.

This Abacus Training activates both the left and right parts of the brain to ensure the whole brain development of the Abacus Students. One great achievement of these Abacus Classes is that children learn to do Mental Math without depending on any gadget.

Math is certainly not the most popular subject among many young kids. Math phobia is a common problem faced by students and acknowledged by parents and teachers equally. The disinterest in Math and an unclear basic understanding often result in the children shying away from math.

The introduction of after-school programs like Offline or Online Abacus Classes can instill a liking for math in the kids for a lifetime.

The success achieved by kids at Mastermind Abacus online classes while performing mental math imbibes young children's confidence. And, it goes without saying confidence has a ripple effect on the child's overall academic performance and beyond.

The Advantages of Abacus Training

Advantages of Abacus Learning

1. Cognitive Development

Initial Abacus Training requires the students to use the Abacus instrument physically, where they learn to calculate the numbers by moving the beads. Later over a period, they are asked to visualize the Abacus Tool, move the imaginary beads mentally and complete the calculations.

The result is that the kids do Mental Math in the Abacus classes without using the help of the Abacus tool. The speed at which they perform these mental calculations is often more than mesmerizing to the audience.

This speed is achieved in the Abacus classes as the training process enhances the kids’ listening abilities, visualization ability, memory, and recall and hugely positively affects their cognitive development. The confidence thus gathered and exhibited is infectious.

2. Logical Ability, enhanced Visualization & Creativity

Logical thinking requires a Right active brain. The Abacus course, online or offline, requires the child to use both left and right hands to move the beads to complete a calculation. This process activates both the hemispheres of the brain.

In the process of doing the calculation, the kids have to use several formulas and apply logic to achieve the correct bead position. The process develops in the child an ability to think logically and have enhanced creative abilities, which is also a reflection of their extraordinary visualization acumen.

3. Developed Listening Ability & High Concentration Levels

As mentioned earlier, Mastermind Abacus is not just an Abacus Math program. Rather it is a whole-brain development program.

The entire Abacus Training program requires the child to listen carefully, move the beads accordingly, read the final bead position in its numerical value and get the correct answer. Moreover, it has to be completed in a very short time. It requires the abacus student to be highly focused with great concentration. They get trained not to be distracted. They are a focused lot.

These are only a few abilities that will help in the comprehensive advancement of young minds. But of course, there is much more to the Mastermind Abacus E-learning program.

We are the only Abacus Learning programs that provide you with the option of the World's first live Abacus E-learning platform. We provide the best Abacus online and conventional one-to-one Abacus classes. Our online Abacus training is all developed on Abacus math-based games. These games are highly engaging, allowing the child to learn in the play process. It also ensures that the kids complete the 2 and half-year Abacus course without dropping out.

Naturally, they emerge as champions with a great memory, recall, visualization, understanding, concentration, and confidence.
Registering Your Child with Mastermind for its Abacus Online Classes or offline Abacus classes is a great decision you can make as a parental responsibility toward your child.

For more information and a first-hand feel of the effectiveness and ease of operations, you can Book a Free Demo Class.

Also Read: Abacus Training And The Science Involved
