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The Concept Of Abacus Education

The Concept & Benefits of Abacus Learning Children

This write-up will discuss the concept & benefits of Abacus learning in children. The benefits of Abacus learning for children of early ages is a hot topic under discussion among the education fraternity. In the modern era, the Abacus is considered more of a brain development tool that enhances the abilities like Visualization, Listening, Logical Reasoning, Memorizing, and Recalling, rather than only a calculating device.

However, many of us would not know about the effects of an Abacus in real life. Let us understand what effects it has on an individual's daily routine.

Abacus Learning - The Concept

Abacus is a tool used for a manual calculation. The process involves moving beads on the Abacus tool per the requirement of the digit value & the Arithmetic operators involved.

The movement of the beads is done with both hands according to the preset rules of the Abacus. Using both hands activates the left and right hemispheres of the child's brain, thus promoting whole-brain development. The use of the physical Abacus tool is abandoned over a period during the training; instead, the trainee visualizes the Abacus tool and moves the beads mentally on the imaginary Abacus.

By the time the training is completed, the children develop the ability to concentrate, listen carefully, visualize, have photographic memory & accurate recall, have logical thinking ability, & are more confident. They learn to perform mental math calculations at a speed that can beat a calculator. Their confidence is also reflected in their improved performance in their Academics.

Other Benefits of Abacus Training

These acquired abilities transform into several other benefits lasting a lifetime. Let us enlist and discuss.

1. Conceptualization

It is observed that those who learn to use the Abacus instrument and train themselves on reacting to sight, sound, and hand (or finger) movements have magnificent power to conceptualize events and situations. It is not necessarily applicable in studies but also in day-to-day activities. Abacus studies help relate incidents to develop a better understanding that lasts longer (probably for a lifetime).

2. Intellect

The students who undergo effective Abacus training have higher IQ (Intelligence Quotient) levels. Research has shown that Abacus learners have enhanced problem-solving skills due to their intelligence to analyze things and plan their actions accordingly. It indicates their intelligence and that they effectively utilize their IQ.

3. Futuristic Approach

Abacus-trained students develop the advanced skill to think beyond the average people. It gives them the ability to predict situations through their intuitive perception. They can strategize future tactics for studies, the workplace, or elsewhere. It gives them an extra edge over others.

4. Judgment

The training on Abacus instruments develops a strong ability to judge and scrutinize minute things and make critically significant and effective decisions. Most people need help to make sound decisions. A fine-tuned judgment can help make relevant decisions to guarantee success and satisfaction.

5.  Alertness

Most of us in the past have made silly mistakes because of our carelessness. Abacus study helps eliminate this unwanted trait and become alert in grasping things quickly. It makes one witty, wise, and smart. The Abacus learners can be pointed out among the mass due to their enhanced presence of mind and consciousness.

Many more effects can be observed in the students who use Abacus and have undergone quality training through skilled professionals and reputed Abacus institutes.

You can enroll your child in an Online Abacus Class by Mastermind Abacus if you want your child to avoid going to an Abacus class some distance. The results are the same in Abacus online classes or offline classes.

Book a free demo for a better understanding of our classes & teaching standards.

Also Read: Abacus Class and Its Future Advantages For Kids
